Measures for the Cambodian government to reduce traffic jams

Measures for the government to reduce traffic jams
Have advance traffic control system to monitor and direct the traffic flow.
Have more traffic controllers (polices/volunteers) at busy roads, schools, hospital, and markets and other busy places to direct traffic flow
Build more over bridges/ sky bridges
Have traffic lights/bars at busy roads, schools, hospital, and markets and other busy places and ensure they work properly
Raise more awareness about causes, consequences and preventions of traffic jams through the media and the press, school curriculums and other events and means
Not allow vehicles to park, (un)load people or things or people to do business on sidewalk boulevards/ avenues/ streets especially during the rush hours.
Have a good public transportation system like bus ( cheap, modern, available at any time and places) and encourage people to use them
Encourage people to walk or ride bicycle for commuting.
Ensure that sidewalks are for only passengers, not used for doing business or parking.
Before allow one someone to purchase vehicles (car or motor) make sure they enough space to park that vehicles at home and workplace
Widen boulevard/avenue/streets (do it at nigh when less traffic)
Maintain the good condition of the boulevard/avenue/streets efficiently.
Make sure that all boulevard/avenue/streets are secured from the raining flood
No garbage is allowed to be piled up on boulevard/avenue/streets except at night and have garbage collector to collect them on time.
Impose more serious punishments for those who cause traffic jam.
Ensure that all riders and drivers have a license.
Establish more commissioned official traffic centers to provide free or cheap driving lessons and official and transparent driving tests.
Increase tax for importing vehicles
Ensure enough parking lot for each new building by balancing space for living or working.
Have public space for ceremony and special events instead of allowing people to celebrate or arrange on sidewalk, roads.
Build crossing bridges at truncations and busy places (schools, market, hospital, business centers).
Have all government administrative offices at the same block of outskirts.
Have alternative roads when blocking certain roads