Students overall perceptions about traffic in Cambodia
Students overall perceptions about traffic Law and regulations So far, the law and regulations are quite good, but the actual...
Measures for the each individual to reduce traffic accidents : Cambodian People
Measures for the each individual to reduce traffic accidents Obey traffic laws (lights and signs) and never drive or ride after drinking...

Measures for the Cambodian government to reduce traffic accidents
Measures for the government to reduce traffic accidents Have more street lights and sufficient big clear traffic sings on roads. Stop or...

Measures for each individual to reduce traffic jam : Cambodian People
Measures for each individual to reduce traffic jam Obey traffic laws (lights and signs) Drive or ride carefully, considerately and...

Measures for the Cambodian government to reduce traffic jams
Measures for the government to reduce traffic jams Have advance traffic control system to monitor and direct the traffic flow. Have more...

Cause of traffic accidents in Cambodia
People behaviors Driving or riding after drinking and over speeding Driving or riding without fasting helmet/seatbelt and no mirror Turn...
Causes of traffic jams in Cambodia
People traffic behaviors Aggressive riding / driving (Swaying/Overtaking/Over speeding ) Taking on phone or listening to loud music when...
Traffic experiences (where and when traffic jams and accidents happen)
Cambodian university and high school students' perceptions toward traffic accidents and jams happen in Cambodia All of students...

The kid with TV Interview skill
អាប្រុសតូចម្នាក់នេះត្រូវបានអញ្ញ្ជើងមកកម្មវិធី The Ellen show ។ក្មេងនេះល្បីដោយ វាប្រើពាក្យ"Apparently"ច្រើនដងពេលត្រូវគេសម្ភាស។ក្មេងនេះត្រ...
Math Lesson Capture from Lectures (2012-2014)
Click here to download PDF (Master of Mathematics Lectures) These are the lectures of 21 subjects of master's degree of Mathematics in...